Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Koi Colors

 As the year passes by koi fish or Japanese carp has been loved and treasure by its owner.  The main reason is that this type of fish has magnificent color patterns that provide satisfaction to them.  Japanese took a great deal of complacency in discerningly breeding koi fish to produce gorgeous array of colors we see nowadays.

Koi fish has different colors.  You can easily determine its health condition through its colors.  The red koi fish must be brilliant red and the black fish must be deep black. If the black koi turns to dull black or have gray spots or scales on its body it indicates that the fish is not in good health. Same with the white koi, if its color is not as white as snow then we can say that the fish is not in good condition.  The color of the Koi fish serves as a sign of healthiness.  The health status of koi fish mainly depends in the water condition. So if you have unclean water your koi fish turns its dazzling color to dull. Having an understanding in the color of koi fish, gives you an idea of choosing the healthy one if it happen that you’ll buy in the pet shop. On the other hand, it will give you an idea that you are giving the best care for your koi.
Some of the Koi fish colors that we commonly see are black, blue, cream, red, white and yellow. To describe the colors and characteristics of the koi fish, Japanese use exact terms and classify it into different groups.  The most popular group is Gosanke which includes variety of koi such as Taisho Sanshoki, Showa Sanshoki and kohaku.  Taisho Sanshoki is also known as Taisho Sanke or Sanke.  These are white koi with red and black markings.  Same with Sanke, another group of koi is Showa Sanshoki, which is white, red and black in color.  The only difference is that Showa koi is principally black with white and red markings. Kohaku, then again is the type of koi which is white in color that had a red marking.  Other type of koi has its own variety of colors like Ogon koi it has even color without any marking on its body. 
Enhancing the color of the koi fish by giving enough diet is necessary to keep them healthy. Some of the foods that you may give to your koi fish are blue-green algae also known as Spirulina, marigold, plankton, and shrimp. Aside from that you can also give freeze-dried or frozen foods like daphnia and brine shrimp that have color-enhancing ingredients that is primarily need by your koi fish.  It is rich in Carotenoid tincture that is the major pigment of the Koi fish.